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DJI Correction & Precious Metals Empty DJI Correction & Precious Metals

Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:08 pm
Hi folks,

DJI Correction & Precious Metals

The DJI – Dow Jones Index presently* stands @35264. It was 13104 in Jan. 2012 – just over nine years ago. It is like a ladder propped against a wall, extending higher and higher, while becoming more and more unstable. 
Sooner or later the ‘smart money’ will flee the scene – popping the $$$$ in their deep back pockets. Then the big ‘Short’ begins – again making $Billions on the way down.
A 3000 pt. drop to 32000 – 8% is on the cards. A 10000-pt. drop – near 30%, to 25000 is not impossible.
All that money would need a new home – precious metals are considered, by many, as a safe haven.
I hope.... * 10th August @ 19.09
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