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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Tue Aug 29, 2023 9:27 pm
For a while, and I am not going into how long, but I have felt that my work as AceBullion has been Sh..t to say the least. I am never happy and with the lack of sales it justifies my beliefs. I am not one to suffer from stress, or depression, so what I am going through is a reality check.
I have things to be made but question what is the point. If it does not sell than I have just wasted more money making things to store.

I know a lot wont understand but the list of things to make most of my items are never priced into my pieces. I get frustrated and I need your help being brutal and honest!

Poured silver is not for everyone, and I say that on my website. It is not a investment! And should never be treated like one.

I refuse to publicise it like some and keep pushing for more and more sales. .. Instead I like the artist side of me to prevail.

I have a few items already made waiting to be assayed, but I am working on the Xmas stuff.... got to get all that ready.

I understand that our forum gets peaks and lows..... that is fine, we are a great happy family. Some changes will need to be made soon but don't worry that wont effect you. I am always working in the backgrounds of this.

I even bought a separate computer just for this and my website, to ensure that I can have access 24 hours a day. And to also edit the videos a bit better.. so I am looking for that right software.

I guess I am just feeling crud and frustrated in myself. I am not motivated, despite happy chatty conversations. I have stated this to a few people but AceBullion as you know it, may or may not change in the new year. Exclamation

Anyway thank you for your reading/listening I now can say I officially posted it. I shall keep you all up to date, and let you know what is going on. I have lots to do, and lots to get done. But no umph to do anything.

But I am looking forward to tomorrows video. a big one. At least for me.. lol

Good night TPMF family.

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Tue Aug 29, 2023 10:38 pm
I know I am new to this forum but I know were you are coming from been their done that. I was making wood pens and was trying to sell them at a flea market it did not last long. I sold all my wood working tools back then. Only ended up buying all my tool a second time
five years ago. Never give up.

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Tue Aug 29, 2023 11:49 pm
Hi Ace
I’ll be honest. I don’t quite understand the point of silver poured into a random shape. I appreciate that it’s not easy, however for me silver is either an investment (such as bullion), a collection (such as collectible coins), a functional item (such as knives and forks) or jewellery (such as earrings). I don’t quite see where your handmade items fit in. Same for Backyard Bullion. He make wonderful pieces too. But would I ever want one? Nope. So I can see why your website is struggling. I think you need to make something that fits into one of the above categories. What about specialising in something functional and saleable, such as silver cuff links or lockets or dice or real silver monopoly pieces? Those would sell.
Food for thought.

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:07 am
Hi Jon,
If I were to invest my money and time into making silver items, I would confine it to a hobby and nothing more. Said items would be small gifts for my family, relatives and friends. But that's me. It's none of my business as to what your decision will be moving forward.
As usual, I enjoy watching your videos and the light discussions involved.
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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:09 am
Thank you all, I appreciate that replies and honest opinions. I agree and state on my website that it is not for investing. In my FAQ section.. I know!!!!

However there are plenty of people who buy these. At the moment I am doing a shuffle. I am undecided on my goals. So for now I shall continue doing what I am. And as for Functional, Yep.. that is something I am working on.

@AVG I too make pens. LOL

But don't get me started, I have tonnes of supplies.
The Cat's Mother
The Cat's Mother
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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:41 am
Hi Jon
We have talked about this. It has always seemed to me that poured silver bars are not really a UK thing, the stacker mentality hasn't taken off here in the same way it has in the US. I started by collecting coins, which led me to Martin before he left eBay (not quick enough Martin, you're stuck with me now), and he led me to you when he started your collaboration on coin reviews. I had never heard of Ace Bullion before then and I suspect that the same would apply to many collectors of silver coins over here. I have some of your pieces, but they are the ones that have an attraction over and above the silver: the bees on the honeycomb and Medusa are both collectable and lovely to look at.
Reading  @ArcaneCollector 's comments above, I have a lot of sympathy with his views. I can admire and appreciate something without wanting to own it. I love jewellery (I also have far too much); the idea of a pair of silver dice is appealing; I would love to own a silver Tangram square (ideally in a frame, but hey, can't have everything). I'm also looking forward to your Christmas collection. For me, also, the finish of a piece is very important - gaps and nicks put me off and I don't see them as being inevitable in a hand made piece.
It is also important to advertise unless you have a solid customer base built up by word of mouth. If nobody knows you're there then they aren't going to look at your products.
Maybe a way forward is to see how the Christmas collection goes, and to put ideas out on the website of items you can make to commission. Having your stuff hallmarked is a real plus, but don't incur that expense up front: wait until you have an order before sending it off and, where legal, give customers the option of hallmarking.
But, don't give up. Sit back for a wee while and reflect on where the market is and how to tap into it.

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:10 pm
Have you ever thought about advertising on Shopify, Etsy or Amazon to get your products out there? That way customers can see more of what you have on offer. You can always put your price up a little bit more on those sites to pay for the fee. I.e a search for a silver turtle people see what they like and check your site out more. Also can you get clearer pictures to show how good your work is. My phone takes excellent photos. Taking silver pictures is hard to show it at its best. Try Both a camera and phone to show best results.

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:09 pm
Had a thought your silver furnaces and equipment could you melt other metals to make tin solders, Monopoly pieces and game pieces ie war hammer.we got the any cubic resin printer is a great bit of kit for making miniatures and there is loads of free files out there. With the model making a lot of people, they just want to buy the product to finish it themselves so it could be another opening while you've got all the equipment. In the current financial climate diverging what you sell could be away forward for you

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Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:28 pm
tray wrote:Had a thought your silver furnaces and equipment could you melt other metals to make tin solders, Monopoly pieces and game pieces ie war hammer.we got the any cubic resin printer is a great bit of kit for making miniatures and there is loads of free files out there. With the model making a lot of people, they just want to buy the product to finish it themselves so it could be another opening while you've got all the equipment. In the current  financial climate diverging what you sell could be away forward for you

In theory I could use my furnaces to cast other metals, but then you will contaminate the furnace with particles of metal such as lead or tin etc.
As you know I have a 3d resin printer as well Anycubic. And I use castable resin from time to time. here is a example of the price. About 3120 per 500g... I buy mine per Litre. So not cheap !!! and I can not use normal resin either. There is a burn out required and the " investment " plaster like materials is not cheap either about £100 per 50kg. I use per flask 1.5 kilos.
Posts : 1288
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Age : 52

Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.  Empty Re: Personal Rant, and insights of my twisted mind.

Fri Sep 01, 2023 5:38 pm
See what you mean
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